Workplace Virus and Bacteria Clean Up
Has there been a virus or bacteria outbreak like coronavirus in your community, workplace or school?
Your traditional cleaning tools and resources are not going to effectively clean up virus and bacterial outbreaks like coronavirus and the flu!
In order to protect staff from virus and bacterial outbreaks, you must follow proper disinfection rules and guidelines to keep your staff safe. Call us to disinfect today.
What will you do if you are forced to shut down your business and disinfect?
Does your company have a plan in place when an employee tells you they tested positive for coronavirus or another communicable disease?
Be proactive and make sure you are prepared for virus and bacterial clean up in the workplace.
Call us today for a free estimate to disinfect your office, office building, home, apartment building, public spaces, and community centers and businesses.
Many companies do not have a policy in place for a pandemic. We are living in a time when we have access to way to much information which instills fear and chaos. Do not let that happen at your workplace, show your staff you care about their health and safety. Call On Call Bio New Mexico today and we can help with all phases of virus and bacteria clean up in your workplace.
Our staff at On Call Bio New Mexico will help you devise a plan to put into place now, either before you learn that your employees are testing positive for a communicable disease like coronavirus or the flu, or after you have your first positive notice. Call us for an estimate and plan of action so that you are prepared to begin the disinfection process as soon as possible.
Safety is our number one priority. Our technicians will come to your office buildings, residences and apartment buildings, community centers, and public and private spaces and safely disinfect all areas to ensure that you can return to these spaces safely.
On Call Bio New Mexico will not only disinfect, we will remove items likely to be contaminated that cannot be properly cleaned. Our technicians will take these items to an approved biohazard disposal site to ensure no one else is exposed.
If you are concerned for a loved one or you are at high risk for serious illness from communicable diseases like coronavirus and the flu, because of your age or because you have a serious health risk, it is imperative that you take actions to reduce your risk of getting infected with the disease. Call On Call Bio New Mexico today at 505-715-5444